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All children have a right to a safe and healthy environment.

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The only thing that can save us as a species is seeing how we're not thinking about future generations in the way we live.
—Erik Erikson

Recognizing notable advocacy by scientists and researchers in Childrens Environmental Health
The Needleman Award, named in honor of Dr. Herbert Needleman, acknowledges a scientist who has made significant strides in advancing children's environmental health, while facing formidable challenges from powerful entities, including industry and government. Read more...

Join us June 3-5 for the 2025 ISCHE Retreat at Lake Arrowhead Lodge in Los Angeles
This year, we are thrilled to gather at the beautiful UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge, tucked away in the tranquil San Bernardino Mountains. Surrounded by nature’s breathtaking beauty, this retreat will provide the perfect setting for reflection, collaboration, and renewal as we continue our important work in protecting children’s health in the face of environmental challenges.
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Children are essential to our future and the continuation of human life. Children around the world are confronted by multiple environmental threats to health, including toxins, air pollution, psychosocial stress, and climate change. Infants and children are often exquisitely vulnerable to these threats; exposures during critical windows of vulnerability have been associated with a wide range of childhood diseases. Early life exposures can also increase the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood.