Privacy & Policy

The International Society for Children’s Health and Environment (ISCHE) website is an online community that is open to the public. It is designed for those who have strong interests in environmental and health issues for children and it is open for new innovation and ideas. It allows you to interact more effectively with like-minded individuals who share similar interests, schedules and friends.

Guideline on Accepting Donations
ISCHE accepts donations from individuals or organizations only with the approval of the Executive Committee, which consists of the officers. ISCHE will not accept donations from any organization whose activities are deemed to be detrimental to children’s health. Donations are accepted with the understanding that the donor will not receive any services or considerations from ISCHE in return. A donor can request that funds be used to support certain activities (e.g., trainee travel to meetings, awards, preparation of a review on a specific topic), but can play no role in ISCHE’s decision-making regarding the specific use of these funds or in positions taken by ISCHE (e.g., which trainees are supported, selection of an award recipient, conclusions reached in the review).

Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. Please read this privacy statement to ensure that we are committed to keeping secure the privacy of our members' details.
 When you submit your information to the ISCHE website it can only be seen by other members unless you choose to make it publicly available. We may, however, analyze the types of information submitted to determine how our members use the site, what your interests are and make improvements accordingly.

Your email address is used to send you information about ISCHE activities and invitation notifications from other members. We will neither sell nor distribute your email address or personal information without your explicit consent.

By reading this you agree to our Privacy Statement. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions you may choose not to use this site.
 We may update our Privacy Statement from time to time so please visit this page regularly.