2024 ISCHE Retreat
January 8-12, 2024
ISCHE will host its sixth international retreat at Hotel Plaza Campeche in Campeche, Mexico from January 8-12, 2024.
Located in southeast Mexico in the Yucatán peninsula, Campeche is known for its colonial buildings, military architecture, and a walled historic district. Before or after the retreat, you can enjoy easy access to pristine beaches and some of the best-preserved ancient Maya archaeological sites.
This year, we will be highlighting our new ISCHE Research to Action Fellows and holding discussions on topics such as moving beyond observational to intervention research in pediatric environmental health, how to conduct and translate research that can be used to inform policy, chemical regulation from a global perspective, and the role of science and advocacy in our work. We will also present the third Needleman Award at the meeting. The retreat will also include plenty of downtime with an opportunity to relax by the pool, connect with colleagues, and explore Campeche, including a group dinner at a local restaurant.
Registration entrance to all of the session and lodging and all meals from Jan 8-12. The organizing committee is also organizing group transportation to and from the Merida and Campeche airports for a small additional cost; you can select your preferred transportation option during registration.
Sessions for the retreat will conclude on Thursday, January 11, and guests can sign up to attend an optional field trip to the local Ednzá Archeological site on Friday, January 12th.
View additional details and register here [insert website link]. Please contact Carly at and the logistics team in Mexico at with any questions or concerns.

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Children are essential to our future and the continuation of human life. Children around the world are confronted by multiple environmental threats to health, including toxins, air pollution, psychosocial stress, and climate change. Infants and children are often exquisitely vulnerable to these threats; exposures during critical windows of vulnerability have been associated with a wide range of childhood diseases. Early life exposures can also increase the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood.